Here Lies the Martin Family

I saw these headstones in the Beaufort NC Old Buying Ground

Sacred to the Memory of Our Father Dr. L.W. Martin. Born in Virginia March 5, 1826. Died in Beaufort, N.C. May 31, 1880. "Life's fitful fever over, he sleeps well." beside his little hero.

Our Mother Sallie J. Wife of Dr. L.W. Martin, Born in Beaufort, N.C. Jan. 27, 1832; Died in Baltimore, Md. Oct 31, 1889. At rest.

Our Little Hero Sleeps. Don Carlos. Son of L.W. & S.J. Martin. Born Dec'r 12, 1864. Died June 3, 1877. Love in Life. In Death Remembered.

Excerpts from a very long obituary in Raleigh Christian Advocate, June 16, 1880, Page 6:

Died in Beaufort, N. C., May 31st, of softening of the brain, Dr.L.W. Martin, formerly a member of the N.C. Conference. His disease made its appearance about one month ago, and in such a peculiar form as to baffle the knowledge and skill of physicians.

It came upon him like an inrolling tide, which continued to rise higher and higher, until it buried him beneath its flood, it then receded, leaving him stiff and stark upon the shore, fast in the iron grasp of death. At first, his strong robust constitution resisted every attack as if impregnable and superior to the powers of disease. For several days he lay speechless upon the bed, his anxious friends watching the faint flickerings of the lamp of life amid death's accumulating darkness; but anon, it would flare up and flash out upon the gloom, as if fed from some hidden, mysterious, inexhaustible reservoir, and perishing hopes would rekindle in the hearts of his loved ones. But death is never thwarted--he yielded at last; disease finished its work of destruction--the wick had burned to the socket, and the golden bowl lay broken at the fountain, the wheel crushed at the cistern, the silver cord was loosed, and the spirit of Lafayette Washington Martin entered the "valley of shadows."

Dr. Martin was a man of marked peculiarities and eccentricities. So much so as to be conscious of the fact himself, and owing to his peculiarities, which were inborn and irradicable, he was neither understood nor appreciated by his friends. To those who simply knew him, he seemed to be unapproachable and unloveable. But there was a way into the man's heart and within the inner chamber of his being there abode strong love for God, love for his family and his friends. There was a bright side to his character, beautified by the outstreamings of a hidden glory, and perfumed by the fragrance of an unseen flower, whose roots were buried deep down in his soul. The casual observer saw only the intellect of the man; it was reserved for his most intimate friends alone to know and appreciate the warm loving pulsations of his heart, which was certainly as capable of love and affection as the heart of most men.

Dr. Martin was an unhappy man. Owing to his morbid temperament he looked on the dark side of things necessarily. He was subject to mental depressions that were at times almost intolerable. He never saw the bright side of life 'till he stepped upon the glistening mount of immortality and tuned his harp to the praise of God.

Three years ago he lost a most loveable and interesting boy, he never fully recovered from the shock. But he has gone to be with his Dannie forever, white robed and glory walk the golden streets crowned they walk the golden streets of the Eternal City.