Pizza Math

As we are learning our way around the pizza landscape in our new town on the mountain, I was trying to decide between a large and an extra large veggie pizza. A big benefit of pizza for dinner is lunch the next day, so we always order way more than we can eat in one meal.

Pizza math presents a clear solution to this problem of what size pizza to order. It's just like regular math but with the answers phrased in sauce and cheesy goodness. A 14" pizza yields about 150 square inches of pizza. Note that formula for determining the area of a pizza includes the constant known as pi, so we must be headed in the right direction.

And a 16" pizza provides about 200 square inches of pizza. When you look at the price difference, for only two dollars and fifty cents, we could get 33% more pizza. That's one-third more pizza for just over 10% more money.

Pizza math wins again and we ordered the extra large pizza.