Sony: Around The World In 80 Seconds

from Creativity

Photographer Alex Profit and Rapp Collins creative Romain Pergeaux created this stop-motion tour of the world in three weeks using the Sony Cyber-shot HX5V camera.

Here’s Profit on the making of the Around the World in 80 Seconds:

How did the project come about?
Romain Pergeaux, creative with Rapp Collins Paris had the idea for this project, he told me about it and we decided to direct it together.

What was Sony’s involvement?
(Pergeaux) proposed it to Sony, who loved the project. They therefore financed the operation. We were very free in creative production of the film.

What were the technical challenges of doing the video?
Only three weeks to realize this project, 2 persons, without locating points. Released into 8 frames per second, the tour lasts exactly 80 seconds between the GO and the FINISH (640 images), 11.5 seconds per country (92 images). The globe (shot in real life) turned all the 32 images. We had to make a very precise tracking to estimate the distance of entry and exit. Another challenge was to build the bridges between the different cities without knowing what we would find later to continue.

Go to their site for more information.