Daily Life

Ninja Grace

[http://www.flickr.com/photos/digitalpapercuts/2822585107/] Grace has wanted to take karate, or any martial arts, for the past year or so, and she is finally enrolled in a class of To-Shin

New Blue Devil Mascot Suit

Photo by News&Observer’s Chuck Liddy At last night’s Duke Football game, a new Duke Mascot made his first appearance. I didn’t even know a new one was in

College Freshman Mindset List

Every year, for the last 11, Beloit (WI) College [http://www.beloit.edu/mindset/2012.php] has published the College Mindset List, a list of pop culture and society references that relate to

Downtown Durham Architecture

[http://www.flickr.com/photos/digitalpapercuts/2794199204/] On Saturday I went on a walking tour of Downtown Durham, North Carolina. The architectural tour was sponsored by the Preservation Society of Durham [http://www.

Did You Know

[http://www.flickr.com/photos/digitalpapercuts/2795553106/] Harris Teeter has a Harry the Dragon Mobile?