Daily Life

Waiting for the Couch

[http://www.flickr.com/photos/digitalpapercuts/2642824398/] We spent a good part of today waiting for our new couch. I bought it on Thursday for Saturday Delivery. The only window of delivery is

Muffin-y Goodness

[http://www.flickr.com/photos/digitalpapercuts/2639201436/] With all the kitchen things finally put away, I was able to make muffins for breakfast. We bought the mixes about a week ago, and I

Happy Independence Day

[http://www.flickr.com/photos/digitalpapercuts/2637329521/] Tonight we went to the Chapel Hill Fireworks Celebration, but got rained out. Fireworks were to start at 9:30. Around 8:15 they told us

The Movers Stopped By

So finally, after about 2 weeks since my closing, the movers came to get my furniture. I have been moving my other belongings, mostly in paper bags, over the past two weeks and

Today I Bought a Couch

Today I was off work as part of our Green Friday initiative. This is something my office is doing to reduce our gas consumption this summer. By working an extra hour each day,