Daily Life

Improv Comedy

Tonight I went to the DSI Comedy Theater [http://www.dsicomedytheater.com/] with my social meetup group. There were five performers who improved scenes based on audience suggestions. Performers used audience suggestions to

New Laptop

I couldn’t stand being offline with no quick solution to getting back. I also knew that it would take some time to transfer files, re-install software and get used to a new

Computer Woes

My computer has been acting up since last week before I went to Nashville, and the problem seems to be getting worse. I can’t even get the darn thing to boot up

Double Downtown Durham Dinners

Tonight I went to my second dinner at a downtown Durham restaurant in 3 days. We had a client in town and we went Piedmont [http://www.piedmontrestaurant.com/]. It is a big

Kids' Business Plan

My kids are working on their business plan today. They are creating a business to sell their drawings. My 9 year old son is the artist and my 7 year old daughter is