I found this comic on savagechickens.com [http://savagechickens.com]. All are
drawn on sticky notes, and most feature chickens. This one does not.
Sometimes when cooking at home, I announce the ingredients. But I don’t do it
with the style and flair of the host of Iron Chef America.
Getting ready to watch the US play their second game in the World Cup by
revisiting the goal against England, recreated in lego.
This music video from Dan Le Sac VS Scroobius Pip [http://www.lesacvspip.co.uk/]
for the song “Thou Shalt always Kill” struck me as being catchy and thoughtful.
It is a guide
This video is a compilation of movies, mostly from the horror genre, where
people find themselves is perilous situations, only to discover they have not
cell phone signal.