
Reinterpretation of Red Riding Hood

I found this cool video on Vimeo, my preferred video sharing site. Sure, the views are higher on YouTube, but the videos are cooler on Vimeo and the quality is better. This video

The Only Riverdance that Matters

Today at a morning St Patty’s Day party we found ourselves watching youtube videos. After watching a particularly long and painful Riverdance video, the below video came up as a relevant video

NYT Withdraws Support for Doc Festival

One of the leading documentary film festival, Durham’s Full Frame [http://www.fullframefest.org] loses one of its presenting sponsors. According to the Independent Weekly’s blog, The Triangulator [http://www.indyweekblogs.

Everybody Needs a Ninja

Indie artist Matthew Ebel [http://MatthewEbel.com] was recently contacted by a filmmaker wanting to use his song in a music video. He agreed and the above video is the result. Check out