
One Year in 40 Seconds

One year in 40 seconds [http://vimeo.com/2639782] from Eirik Solheim [http://vimeo.com/eirikso] on Vimeo [http://vimeo.com]. This short video from Eirik Solheim is made from a series of

What I Have Been Watching

Movies Synedoche New York Slumdog Millionaire IOUSA Special Showings in Theaters Serenity DVD MI-5 Season 2 Hotel Rwanda The Royal Tenenbaums Children of Glory (imdb [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0486219/]) Trading Places

No Talking at the Movies

While I don’t condone carrying concealed weapons into a movie theater, people do need to be quiet during a film. From CNN [http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/12/27/movie.shooting/

Wilco Concert DVD in 2009

Just got an email from Wilco with the following information: > We (w/ Nonesuch) will be releasing Wilco’s first concert film/DVD, and despite the obvious negative connotations associated with that category,


Palm updates Santa and makes him hip to the sounds of a cover of RUN DMC’s holiday classic. From Ad Age blog, Songs for Soap [http://adage.com/songsforsoap/post?article_id=