Social Media

1st of Many CNBC Stories

Here’s a link to the first CNBC story [] about RTPStartup Weekend. Look for me drinking a beer just before the donuts. The timelapse camera

CNBC RTP Startup Confessional

Check out the CNBC Confessional [] from RTP Startup Weekend. While I am not included in the piece, I did record one. Stay until the end

RTP Startup Weekend

Photo of my pitch by Taylor Davidson [] Day 1: The Pitch Over 50 people arrived at the Edge Office in the Glenwood South district of Raleigh starting at 6pm.

Quoted in News & Observer Article

I was quoted in today’s Raleigh News & Observer in an article about RTP Startup Weekend. Since I was the spokesman for our startup company, Jonathan Cox, the reporter from the paper

RTP Startup Weekend

Day 2 photos posted to this Flickr set [ ].