Social Media

Endgadget Gives Away Wii

The website Endgadget [] gives away a series of gadgets over the Thanksgiving weekend. They put up one at a time, and you must place a

Change of Blog Template in My Future

Blogger just announced another new feature, Slideshow, that I am interested in, but… you need to be using the upgraded Layout tool. I didn’t switch when it was announced because I didn’

The Death of E-Mail

From [] > Those of us older than 25 can’t imagine a life without e-mail. For the Facebook generation, it’s hard to imagine a life

Branding Me and My Blog

As I gather more web associations, I am trying to standardize them so they all point back to this blog. This is called branding. Anything I do on the web, I do as

Twitter in the NY Times

from the NY Times []: > ON Aug. 1, Nick Starr, a 27-year-old computer consultant from Tampa, Fla., was tapping text messages into his