Social Media

Social Media in the Classroom

I recently had the opportunity to speak to a Social Media class [] for MBA students at NC State. The 2nd year class is taught by Claudia

Guy Kawasaki On Twitter Strategies For Building A Huge Following

From Marketing Voices [] : > The legendary Guy Kawasaki, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, author and Twitter aficionado talks about the strategies he uses for gaining incredible numbers of

Twitter Lists and What Others Think of Me

If you are part of the social media world, and especially the Twitterverse, you know that Twitter recently added a list feature so Twitter users can now organize the people they follow into

Buick Tweetup in Greensboro

[] On Friday night I drove to Greensboro to attend a Tweetup sponsored by Buick. It was at a cool restaurant called Liberty Oak [http://www.libertyoakrestaurant.