
Day Three at Penland

Last night as I was going to sleep, the wind was blowing through the trees, rattling the windows. The gate on an old building across the way was creaking loudly. I did not

Day Two at Penland

Today was April Fool’s Day and I didn’t even notice. Penland is described as an immersive environment for learning and creating, and it really is true. People spend all day in

More Photos from Penland

I have uploaded more photos today from my class and stay at Penland. The links below are the same as yesterday, as I have added new photos to the same slide shows. Yesterday

Day One at Penland

I woke up around 5:30 this morning when my neighbor, who I share a bathroom with, got up to shower. I never really got back to sleep. I finally rolled out of

Photos from Penland

I am currently at the Penland School of Crafts [] taking a pinhole photography class. Here is one on the photos that I shot today and scanned. [