This Was the Week That Was

News and Observer Photo of Jeff Cohen by Robert Willet
N&O Photo by Robert Willett

Last week I was interviewed by the News & Observer, and the article appeared this week on Monday morning in the print edition and on the web. I was on the front page of both. This generated a lot of Twitter activity (which appears below), and I was featured two times on 30 Threads (here and here), a local blog aggregation site.

I had a conversation with my friend Ryan who wanted to post my quote from the article, but was concerned about the News & Observer copyright. Other friends joked about the wonky caption in the paper (and online) that said I was “linked up and copiously spread across the internet.” I spent the first part of the week pretending I was a famous and acting like a rockstar.

The story was also picked up by the Charlotte Observer and the Corpus Christi Caller Times. Finally, the best was on Wednesday when the article was translated into Spanish and appeared on a Mexican computer website. By the end of the week, my fame was fleeting and it was back to normal.

Twitter Chatter from the Week
Conventions of Twitter:
The first thing is the @username of the person speaking
If the first thing after their @username is @anotherusername, they are speaking to that person
RT or Retweet means to re-post something that someone else posted (and giving the credit for the original post)

I am @dgtlpapercuts, so these tweets (Twitter posts) from Monday December 15 and Tuesday December 16 are either by me (@dgtlpapercuts first), to me (@dgtlpapercuts after the person speaking) or about me (@dgtlpapercuts somewhere in the Tweet). They listed with the oldest tweets first, and follow in chronological order.

@GinnySkal: @newsobserver Your lead story on contains a 404 error, I want to read it b/c the pic looks like @dgtlpapercuts

@dgtlpapercuts: @GinnySkal The picture is me, but @newsobserver is an auto feed, so they may not answer

@jreesnc: I see @dgtlpapercuts on today’s front page of the N&O

@GinnySkal: @dgtlpapercuts I thought it looked like you! Now I really want to read the story.

@dgtlpapercuts: My thoughts and photo are part of today’s Raleigh N&O lead story on the Future of the Internet

@30THREADS: Awesome, one of my favorite local bloggers (@dgtlpapercuts) is featured in @newsobserver. The caption is so funny

@dgtlpapercuts: RT: @30THREADS: Awesome, one of my favorite local bloggers is featured in @newsobserver. The caption is so funny

@KE4ZNR: @dgtlpapercuts Good write up bro! Good to see positive attention towards Social Media!

@waynesutton: Retweet: @30THREADS: Awesome, one of my favorite local bloggers is featured in @newsobserver. (expand) @dgtlpapercuts

@theRab: retweeting @30THREADS: Awesome, one of my favorite local bloggers (@dgtlpapercuts) is featured in @newsobserver. The caption is so funny

@theRab: @dgtlpapercuts in the year 2020! The future is now me thinks. @newsobserver story:

@ayse: @dgtlpapercuts That caption is hilarious! Congrats on the nice article.

@dgtlpapercuts: That’s to all for the comments on my appearance in today’s N&O I am linked up and copiously spread across the Internet.

@theRab: @dgtlpapercuts are you from the future? sent back to copiously spread the message of social linking….

@dgtlpapercuts: My star power has overcome my typing ability today. Last tweet was “Thanks to all…”

@dgtlpapercuts: @theRab I am from the future where we have solved all the world’s energy needs with lava lamps.

@underoak: @benmarvin Yes, great comments today. My fave at @dgtlpapercuts story in N&O: “I was promised a flying car. Where is it?” (Can’t find now).

@isabisa: @ginnyskal it IS @dgtlpapercuts!

@theRab: @dgtlpapercuts i was going to reblog your awesome N&O quote but ended up with maybe you can retweet it?

@theRab: @dgtlpapercuts there’s a post secret like opporunity there

@dgtlpapercuts: @jtobin You want me to follow Kathy on Twitter (which I did). Facebook wants me to become her friend. What’s up with this?

@GinnySkal: @dgtlpapercuts It’s probably because you’re famous now. Everyone wants to be your friend.

@dgtlpapercuts: @GinnySkal Fame is fleeting. This morning: lead story on N&O web Now hard to find a link:

@jtobin: @dgtlpapercuts Facebook must have read today’s News & Observer. Congrats. Great placement!

@dgtlpapercuts: @jtobin Thanks. Fun to be a Hyper-Local Rock Star for the Day among friends. Tomorrow we’ll all be watching shoe throwing Iraqis again.

@glowbird: Just posted to @30Threads a link to the N&O article about 2009 internet predictions (featuring @dgtlpapercuts!)