Triangle Social Media Club

Last night I went to a meeting of the Triangle Social Media Club, hosted by Calvert Holdings in Cary. It was an informal event with about 15 people in attendance. Lee White led a discussion on Social Media inside the corporate enterprise, but there wasn’t anyone who worked in a large environment. This made the discussion theoretical, rather than practical. I, and others, related this to our clients, but more as a talking point instead of a plan of action.

It was a good networking event, due to its size and location. I saw Twitter friends Wayne Sutton and Teri Saylor. I also connected with the following local Twitterati: Lee White, Dave Johnson, Mark Hinkle, Nathan Gilliatt, Brian Chappell, Jeff Tippett. And finally, I chatted with Lisa Creech Bledsoe, who is not yet on Twitter, but has a blog.