Tyranny of the CSA

Every week we get another box of fresh vegetables from our CSA (community-supported agriculture). Our particular non-profit supports Burmese refugees by giving them a skill (farming) and an income (from selling what they grow).

The winter growing season includes lots of greens. Kale, collards, lettuce, spinach, mixed greens, bok choy, cilantro. Even the beets and turnips come with greens.

The pile of produce fills the refrigerator drawers and exhorts us prepare and eat it, until it's gone.

We are hopeful in the first week of the membership season and the search for new recipes help us excitedly devour this healthy bounty. But as the weeks go by, we ask questions like, do I have to have anothet salad with my lunch? can I put cilantro in that? and what else can we do with turnip greens?

We feel a huge sense of accomplishment when we have emptied the produce drawers by Thursday, only to get new box of produce on Friday.