What I Am Doing This Weekend
Normally on Monday morning, people chat about their weekends. This time of year, people might go to the beach, or cut the grass, or even just chill with friends and have a cold one. Well, my Monday morning chatter will be about starting a new company. From scratch. Over the weekend.
I am participating in Start-Up Weekend in Raleigh, at the Edge Office. Local techies, entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs (a word I thought I made up until I found it on Valleywag) are gathering for the weekend to create a company, or companies, depending on how many good ideas are presented.
If you’ve never wanted to start your own company, or you’ve never passionately pursued your own ideas, or you’ve never thought it would be fun to hang out with like minded-people for two and half days straight, well, it’s hard to explain the allure. I think it sounds like a lot of fun. And I’ll get a t-shirt.
Here’s a local story about it, and CNBC is expected to be in the house providing coverage. I’ve been on cable tv before, but as a pitchman, not a news maker.
As you can imagine, from such a connected crowd, there will be lots of twittering, plurking, identica-ing, brightkiting, flickring, blogging, facebooking and friendfeeding. See you on the internetz. Maybe we’ll come up with the next big thing.