Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen

Music for Dogs

I really need to figure out how to explain music to my dog. Every time I put on record in the living room he is surprised by the blast of sound that surrounds

We Make Fence

A landscaper's marketing refrigerator magnet listed a variety of services: mowing, edging, seeding and many more. But one of them slipped by the proofreader. Buried among the bullet points was We

Ill-advised Brand Extensions

Wonder Bread now packages and sells Wonder Texas Toast and it makes me think that the following never made it off the drawing board: Wonder Naan Wonder Pita Wonder Matzoh

Noises Outside

There's a creak at the front door. It sounds like someone or something is outside. The dog hears everything. He jumps up and starts barking at the door. I go to

Four Earbuds

I woke up from a dream where I had four earbuds in, not just the two that were actually in my ears. I don't know where the other two were, but