Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen

You Had Me at Time Travel

I picked up an interesting book from the new releases shelf at the library—yes, I do judge books by their covers—and began to read the inside flap. I got to the

Not Dreaming of Sales

I had a dream that I was working in a sales job. I don't recall what I was selling, but I remember the job being hard. I've worked in

Who are you?

I'm learning to accept the difference between who I think I want to be and who I am. This understanding helps guide life decisions, like where to live, what you need

Merry Halloween

It is now one full month until Halloween and our neighbors' homes have been decorated for weeks. It would be one thing if we only had to content with the 12-foot tall

Eyes Determine the World

In a book about animal senses, the author described human eyes as forward facing so we walk into the world we see. And many animals' eye allow them to see all around