Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen

Month of Pancakes

I celebrated my birthday throughout the whole month of July by going out for pancakes every weekend. It was fun way to explore Chattanooga. The list include two chains because I like the

Spinal Tap Exit

I was describing something that is at exit 9 on the interstate. That is one exit before mine. I said I go to 11.

Living Tree

The top of the tree swayed in the wind. All the individual leaves started flapping. The tree was filled with so many birds it looked like the tree was alive.

Mountain View

As the car crests the hill the mountains appear in the rear view mirror. The haze makes them harder to see than normal, but the distinctive profile is apparent as I drive home.

Watching the Shadows

I was waiting at the airport for Deborah to return from a trip. There's construction at the airport, so the passenger exit is mostly blocked until people come through the doorway.