Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen

Not So Late

I usually fall asleep very quickly, especially if I'm listening to a podcast. I set the timer for 15 minutes, but often I'm asleep in five minutes. And then

Overhead Shadow

The shadow passed directly over me and blocked the light from the sun for a split second. I saw the bird shaped shadow on the ground and then I saw the bird.

Font Choices

It would seem that if you name your agency Sans Serif that would limit the font choices in your work.

Natural Graffiti

The graffiti on the side of the building had a familiar pattern to it. I could not make out any words or letters. As I got closer, it turned out to be a

Singing Airline

There is a Swiss airline called Edelweiss. All I can think of is that the flight attendants dress like characters in the Sound of Music and sing rather than speak into the microphone.