Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen

Stand or Sit

When someone stands in front of a singer holding a microphone, it is very easy to call them a mic stand because that's what they are imitating. But what do you

Short Date

I was eating dinner on the patio of a local restaurant. There was a date occurring nearby. It could have been a first date, as the couple seemed to be getting to know

Opening Cheese

Individually wrapped slices of American cheese are not something that should require a two-minute video explaining how to open the wrapper. But that video exists. This is such a challenge that the leading

Talking to Myself

Seven years ago, I began this blog experiment of regular observations with voice recordings of my thoughts  that were transcribed and automatically published to my blog. The voice capture method of writing did

Small Airport to Big Airport

As my regional jet taxied away from the terminal, I reflected on my first flight from my new home airport, Chattanooga. My plane was the only one there. The six gates were empty.