Today is the perfect day to note that I was a 12-year-old movie fan living in NYC when the first Star Wars movie came out. I saw it three times in the theater
An acorn has two parts: the nut and the hat. I have seen piles of acorn hats beneath an oak tree, but no nuts. The squirrels must take all the nuts, leaving the
There are two kinds of neighbors in our subdivision: ones who hire a lawn service (us) and ones who own riding mowers. The lots aren't that big that they require riding
Rick Rubin in The Creative Act says many notable things. It is written for artists of all stripes and other creative people who live on the art side of the line versus the
There is a current ban on residential and commercial fires in our county. This is to reduce the air pollution that results from burning leaves, vegetation and other brush.
Recreational fires are allowed.