Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen

New View

I turned my desk and now I look out the window at the mountains. Our neighborhood is at the base of a mountain, which I feel behind me, and I look north towards

Seven Deer

It turns out when you open the back gate and put out corn, hungry deer wander into the yard from the woods. We've had as many as seven deer chowing down

Cotton Candy Skies

The view of the expansive sky over the valley bursts with color at sunset. The clouds take on hues well beyond orange, including reds, pinks and purple that look like cotton candy.

Named Wrong

Was the kid whose last name is Gentle destined to become a wrestler to prove to everyone that he's not?

Long Hair Era is Over

After growing my hair for about three years, I got it cut short. It was in my eyes too. I never wore it down. I had all of the annoyances of long hair,