Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen

Bionic Inflation

If the Six Million Dollar Man were created today he would be the Forty Million Dollar Man. Better, stronger, faster, more expensive. Thanks, inflation. [Editor's Note: that is just the cost

Tiny Footnotes

I am reading a book with footnotes that are indicated by asterisks. The asterisks are almost too small to read and blur into quotation marks. Often I get to the end of the

Library Conversations

I have been to the local library three times and all three times I have had lengthy conversations with the librarian. They were about books, Chattanooga, my move. And they were three different

Surreal Painting

The painting was intriquing. A large blue and white labyrinth stood vertically on the beach. It was surrounded by a wooden frame. The contrast of painting styles and color palettes made the image

Yellow Tags

The movers tagged every item with a small yellow sticker with a consecutive number. Every box. Every table. Every chair. Every shovel. There were over 200 stickers. We peel them off as we