Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen

Cardboard Karma

Instead of recycling our moving boxes, we have offered them for free on Facebook Marketplace. It turns out that the venn diagram of people needing to get out of a bad situation quickly

Haunted House

I'm getting used to the noises that our new house makes during the night. Being half asleep doesn't help me understand what I am hearing. I was sure we

Different Trees

Over the years my posts have been highly influenced by the falling leaving of oaks, maples and other hardwoods. The trees lining our new yard are mostly pine. We can all look forward

Purple Liquid

The colors of my gym's brand are purple and yellow. The disinfectant spray is purple, which I thought was a branded decision. I was surprised that the color of the liquid

Blue Fluid

Is there a reason that windshield wiper fluid is blue? While the blue color does seem to distinguish from other types of car fluids, there are other colors used for wiper fluid. Blue