Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen

Burst of Orange

The morning fog briefly exploded in a burst of orange as the sun came over the horizon and illuminated it. The color faded instantly and it was just foggy.

Haircut 100

I just got a haircut. Don't worry. My hair is still long. It was more of a trim and a clean-up than a haircut. The stylist used a lot of clips

End of the Year

Every morning the sun rises and I get up and move through the day. The calendar clicks forward another number and I do it again the next day. A granular view of time

Physics of Covers

Deborah and I both roll on our sides to go to sleep. We roll on opposite sides, away from each other. During the course of the night, we each wind up on our

A Modern Vampire

The door swung open and the darkness inside swollowed the light. A figure strode out confidently. His long black coat flapped behind him as if the wind had caught it. The black hat