Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen

Mountain Cave

I was sleeping in a mountain cave. I might have been dreaming that I was sleeping or it might have been real. There were three different ways that I could sleep, each described

Yes Yes Yes

The Greek word for yes is nai. It is a little hard to reconcile at first that yes sounds like no. But its usage is interesting in its repetitive nature. A single nai

Olive Fantasy

After a short time in Greece I have developed a fantasy that we will buy an olive grove and move here. We will press and sell artisnal olive oil and open a small

Adding Rocks

After removing necessary items from her suitcase due to their weight, Deborah has literally bought rocks to add to her bags. They are small souvenir magnets - and a fundraiser for a local

Extra Slippery

Shampoo and body wash already make the showee floor slippery, but when they are made with olive oil, the floor gets extra slippery.