Jeffrey L Cohen

Jeffrey L Cohen

DNA Tattoo

She had a colorful double helix tattoo following the contours of her spine. I couldn't tell if it was meant to be DNA or just the double helix shaped, but it

Drive Through Prayer

The church had signs out front advertising drive through prayer. Is this the ultimate convenience? After pre-ordering your Starbucks latte and picking it up at their drive through, head over to the church

Weight, Not Volume

It seems like the statement, this product is sold by weight, not by volume, has more applicablity to life than just describing the contents of a cereal box.

Unnatural Hole

The dead leaf had a perfectly round, unnatural hole in the middle of it, made by the grass aerator.

Dreaming of Impersonators

I dreamed that I met a man who played Nixon in a stage biography. He looked nothing like him. He was rail-thin, but he had that familiar gruff and booming voice. We were