Memory Lane

I drove past a street that was called Memory Lane. I did not turn on to it, but I could have been driving down Memory Lane. What must it be like to live

Finding Pimentos

If you ever find yourself in Sacramento California and you are looking for pimentos, they are on aisle A5 in Walmart. I was looking for them in Chattanooga, where they coincidentally are also

Peach Gravel

The small size gravel used to line driveways and walkways is called pea gravel. There is a much bigger size of gravel that doesn't seem to have a name. Some of

Weather Warnings

The details of weather warnings can easily be adopted as guiding philosophies of life: Execute a pre-planned activity as instructed in the description. Visibilities may change drastically across a small area based on

Neighborhood Welcome

One of the neighborhood kids wrote us a letter and put it in our mailbox: Welcom to Norvell Drive expect a lot of kids to come by and say hi. I love Pepper.