
Felt That One

At my niece's wedding there were several mentions of those who were no longer with us and were an important part of getting us to that day. I thought about my

Missing my Birthday

Last year I was with my mom on my birthday, but she wasn't aware of it. She didn't know about birthdays anymore. Today she is not even here not

Missing Mom Today

This is my first mother's day without mom. I have known many others—most recently Deborah—who have experienced this, but it is new for me. Even last year when she

Spiritual Presence

I had a dream that my mom came to visit. She was her old self, from before her Alzheimer's took away her memory and her cognitive functions. I was aware that

Pitha Socks

I used to collect interesting and colorful socks. It is somewhat coincidental that mom bought me a pair of socks with slices of pizza [] on them.