
This is a collection of things that I see in front of and behind my eyes. These posts have been published near daily since October 2016.

An Insomniac Travels

You can't sleep. You wake up an hour before your alarm because you're worried about missing your plane. You went to bed late so you're already starting

Wrong Suit in the Case

The flight taking off from my gate before mine was going to Aruba. I usually get to the gate early enough that the previous plane is still boarding. I considered asking if any

Wrong Rhubarb

I heard someone speaking a foreign language behind me and it sounded like German. It sounded like the person was speaking the German tongue twister that became the viral dance hit about Barbara&

Summary of Reviews

Amazon now has AI-generated summaries of product reviews. Here's the summary from my book: Customers find the book's content very good and broad, providing a sorely neglected B2B domain

Pop Culture Sidekicks

The following is from Salman Rusdie's 2019 novel Quichotte: My silly little Sancho, he cries. My son, my sidekick, my squire! Hutch to my Starsky, Spock to my Kirk, Scully to