The details of weather warnings can easily be adopted as guiding philosophies of life:
Execute a pre-planned activity as instructed in the description.
Visibilities may change drastically across a small area based on
One of the neighborhood kids wrote us a letter and put it in our mailbox:
Welcom to Norvell Drive expect a lot of kids to come by and say hi. I love Pepper.
Deborah bought a handful of things from the previous owner of our house. She was 93 and the neighbors called her Miss Margaret. Several of the kids treated her like their grandmother and
We slept in our house on the mountain for the first night. I would say it was dark and quiet, but blackout curtains and modern building materials make most houses dark and quiet.
I'm not a fan of a man whose name might be William Allen. It seems that he patented the torture device known as the Allen wrench in the early 1900s. In