
This is a collection of things that I see in front of and behind my eyes. These posts have been published near daily since October 2016.

Dreaming the Zombie Apocalypse

I dreamed that I survived the zombie apocalypse. The details of what I had to do to survive as my friends and neighbors turned into zombies have faded, as all dreams do, but

Who's Posting What?

I got a notification that Miles Davis posted something on Facebook. From beyond the grave? Nope, it's just a page about him run by an agency to promote him and his

Halftone Light

The morning sunlight coming through the leaves looks like the halftone pattern of dots that used to be applied to photographs before they could be printed. We had to take our photographs to

Monkey Sounds

I woke up at four in the morning to the sounds of an animal screeching. The windows were open because the weather was already cooling off. Deborah was awake and standing by the

Principles of Photography

If light is made up of the colors of the rainbow and photography is the capturing of light, in black and white photography where does the color go?